
Showing posts with label rudraksha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rudraksha. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

रुद्राक्ष की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी , complete knowledge of rudraksha

            *रुद्राक्षों की  सम्पूर्ण जानकारी एवं लाभ*
माना जाता है कि एक बार पृथ्वी पर त्रिपुर नामक एक भयंकर दैत्य उत्पन्न हुआ था । वह बहुत बलशाली और पराक्रमी था । देवताओंके लिये  उसे पराजित करना असंभव था ; तब ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और इन्द्र आदि देवता भगवान शिव की शरण में गए और उनसे रक्षा की प्रार्थना लगने लगे ।

भगवान शिव के पास ‘अघोर’ नाम का एक दिव्य अस्त्र था । वह अस्त्र बहुत विशाल और तेजयुक्त था । उसे सम्पूर्ण देवताओं की आकृति माना जाता है । त्रिपुर का वध करने के उद्देश्य से शिव ने नेत्र बंद करके अघोर अस्त्र का चिंतन किया । अधिक समय तक नेत्र बंद रहने के कारण उनके नेत्रों से जल की कुछ बूंदें निकलकर भूमि पर गिर गईं । उन्हीं बूंदों से महान रुद्राक्ष के वृक्ष उत्पन्न हुए । फिर भगवान शिव की आज्ञा से उन वृक्षों पर जो फल लगे उनकी गुठलियों को रुद्राक्ष कहा गया । वैसे भी देखा जाये तो ‘रुद्र’ का अर्थ शिव और ‘अक्ष’ का आँख अथवा आत्मा है ।

ये रुद्राक्ष अड़तीस प्रकार के कहे गये हैं । माना जाता है कि जो फल शिव प्रभु ने सुर्य के नेत्रों से उत्त्पन करवाये वे  कत्थई रंग के थे और उन के बारह भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार माने गये हैं ।  इसी प्रकार चन्द्रमा के नेत्रों से  श्वेतवर्ण के सोलह प्रकार के रुद्राक्षों की उत्त्पति हुई तथा कृष्ण वर्ण वाले दस प्रकार के रुद्राक्षों की उत्पत्ति अग्नि के नेत्रों से मानी जाती है । ये ही इनके अड़तीस भेद हैं ।

वैज्ञानिक तौर पर कहें तो रुद्राक्ष एक फल की गुठली (बीज) है । संसार में यही एक ऐसा फल है, जिसको खाया नहीं जाता बल्कि गुद्देको निकालकर उसके बीज को धारण किया जाता है। यह एक ऐसा बीज (काष्ठ रुप क) है, जो पानी में डूब जाता है । पानी में डूबना यह दर्शाता है कि इसका आपेक्षिक घनत्व अधिक है, क्योंकि इसमें लोहा, जस्ता, निकल, मैंगनीज,एल्यूमिनियम,फास्फोरस, कैल्शियम, कोबाल्ट,पोटैशियम, सोडियम, सिलिका, गंधक आदि तत्व होते हैं । इसी वजह से रुद्राक्ष का मानव शरीर से स्पर्श को महान गुणकारी बतलाया गया है । हमारे देश भारत में इसका उपयोग आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्रमें ज्यादा तौर पर किया जाता है ।

Thursday, July 27, 2017

certified 100% original 1 mukhi rudraksha | one face rudraksha nepali ,

certified 100% original 1 mukhi rudraksha | one face rudraksha nepali 

price - 1750/-

buy it now 


Importance of 1 mukhi rudraksha 
  • It is the rarest and most auspicious among all Rudraksha beads.
  • One mukhi chandrakar belongs a variety which is an alternate to Rudraksha.
  • Blessed by lord Siva himself.
  • Washes off all sins (all type of sins) of the wearer.
  • Enhances knowledge about the supreme power. Minimizes worldly attachment. Wearer gets control over his/her own senses.
  • Goddess Lakshmi blesses the wearer/worshiper.
  • Brings the wearer close to Shiva and also fulfills all his desires in this world.
  • Gives concentration power and inner peace. Gives leadership qualities also skills to overcome stressful situations.
  • Very helpful to overcome any bad habit, addiction problem. Worn around neck.
  • Overcomes lack of confidence, increases charisma, personal power, prosperity.
Diseases cured by ek mukhi rudraksha 
  • Disease cure by ek mukhi rudraksha
  • Night blindness, urinary stones, respiratory diseases, thrombus in blood vessel,
  • Heart diseases, eye/skin problem, fistula, dyspepsia, disorder of digestive function
  • Characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea.
  • Controls hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal of the body.

Who should wear 1 mukhi rudraksha 
  • All adults who want a full of life.
  • Those want to get rid of bad habits/addiction,
  • Want to come out of predicament situations.
  • For spiritual growth, peaceful life, material detachment, higher state of consciousness
Astrological view of ek mukhi rudraksha 
  • Removes malefic of Sun as ek mukhi rudraksha also represents sun.
  • Effect of Sun - headache, right eye defect, piles, ear/skin/lever/bone diseases, bowel problem, weakness
  • astroshopindia 
  • watsaap no.- 7089610848

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Energized 6 mukhi rudraksha | six face rudraksha | natural

Energized 6 mukhi rudraksha | six face rudraksha 

price- 500/- 
buy it now 

           Importance of 6 mukhi rudraksha 
- Refines wisdom, improves expression/will power.

- Improves oratory skills(can influence group of people)

- 6 mukhi rudraksha Purifies a person from serious sins. Wearer remains brave.

- Blesses with luxury, comfort, pleasure.

- Worn along with 4 mukhi for education excellence.

- 6 mukhi rudraksha helps in stammering problem(speech defect)

- Chhe face bead is owned by Sukra.

- Brings perfection and focus along with energy and confidence.

- Luck is felt within few days of wearing.

Disease cure by 6 mukhi rudraksha

- Controls sexual diseases, mouth disease, urinary problem, neck related, dropsy, Cancer, organ failure, kidney, neck, throat, indigestion, arthritis, eye, nerve/vein related,thyroid.

- Childless couple wear this along with 4 mukhi, gauri shankar.

Astrological view

- Removes malefic of Mars/Venus.

- Effect of Mars/Venus - Diseases and problems involving genital organs, throat. Decrease in Sexual pleasure, love, musical talent, valor.

watsapp no.7089610848 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

certified Natural 2 MUKHI RUDRAKSHA / 2 FACE RUDRAKSH | nepali rudraksha

certified Natural 2 MUKHI RUDRAKSHA / 2 FACE RUDRAKSH | nepali rudraksha


                              BUY IT NOW 


100% original 2 mukhi nepali rudraksha  2 mukhi rudraksha is the symbol of Ardhanareeshwara, the united form of Shiv and Shakti. One of the main forms of Lord Shiva is Ardhanarishwar symbolizing Shiva and Shakti. This bead is the symbol of unification of mind and Soul symbolized by Shiva and Parvati or the Shivalinga. Two mukhi rudraksha is ruled by planet Moon. Hence, it promises wealth, happiness and inner bliss.
Wearing Dwi mukhi Rudrakhsa creates feelings of oneness and unity in any relationship – between wife and husband, Guru – Shishya, friends, colleagues, parents and children.
Very suitable for couples planning to have children
To be worn by those who are searching for the perfect life partner
Gives inner happiness, peace and fulfillment
Provides healing energy for mind and emotions
Enhances creativity
order now 
watsaap no.- 7089610848 

Certified Energized 6 mukhi rudraksha | six face rudraksha | natural, lab tested

Certified Energized 6 mukhi rudraksha | six face rudraksha | natural, lab tested


                               BUY IT NOW 


Importance of 6 mukhi rudraksha 
- Refines wisdom, improves expression/will power. 

- Improves oratory skills(can influence group of people) 

- 6 mukhi rudraksha Purifies a person from serious sins. Wearer remains brave. 

- Blesses with luxury, comfort, pleasure. 

- Worn along with 4 mukhi for education excellence. 

- 6 mukhi rudraksha helps in stammering problem(speech defect) 

- Chhe face bead is owned by Sukra. 

- Brings perfection and focus along with energy and confidence. 

- Luck is felt within few days of wearing. 

Disease cure by 6 mukhi rudraksha 

- Controls sexual diseases, mouth disease, urinary problem, neck related, dropsy, Cancer, organ failure, kidney, neck, throat, indigestion, arthritis, eye, nerve/vein related,thyroid. 

- Childless couple wear this along with 4 mukhi, gauri shankar. 
Astrological view 
- Removes malefic of Mars/Venus. 

- Effect of Mars/Venus - Diseases and problems involving genital organs, throat. Decrease in Sexual pleasure, love, musical talent, valor. 
watsapp no.7089610848

CERTIFIED 7 mukhi rudraksha / 7 mukhi nepal rudraksha / 7 mukhi rudraksha beads

CERTIFIED 7 mukhi rudraksha / 7 mukhi nepal rudraksha / 7 mukhi rudraksha beads



                                 BUY IT NOW 

whatsaap no.- 7089610848


About Seven face(mukhi) Rudraksha :-
Seven facet (mukhi) Rudraksha is symbolizes to the Saptamatrika - Brahmani, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Maheshvari, Indrani, Varahi, Chamunda (Goddess of war, Children and Emancipation). it is very useful bead offering several powers to the wearer. Wearing Seven Face Rudrakshas bring success, name &fame and a highly vibrant personality. Those wearing Seven Face Rudrakshaare usually found to be highly attractive in circle. It also helps in attaining attracting power. 

Virtuous way of wearing :-

Seven facet (mukhi) Rudraksha should be worn after abhishek with Gangajal or unboiled Milk. It Should be worn on auspicious day Monday or Thursday with chanting Mantra.

Benifit as per the experts of (Mahashiva Puran) & some of the customers beliefs and practical experience :-

It is removes the malefic and bad effects of  saturn.

It bestows on the wearer healt, wealth & prosperity.

It brings good luck & removes bad luck and misfortune.

It is best for those people who is involved in buisness and any kind of profession

It is said by many people rudraksha helps in controlling pain caused by arthritis.

certified 5 mukhi original energized rudraksha | 5 face rudraksha

certified 5 mukhi original energized rudraksha | 5 face rudraksha



                                   BUY IT NOW 


Importance of 5 mukhi rudraksha bead

> It is the most widely available rudraksha.

> Sins earned by forbidden acts are removed by 
wearing this bead.

> Sudden/uncertain death fear can be 
eliminated with the power of this.

> Meditating people need it for attaining all 

> Very widely available rudraksha.

> Peace and fame comes with this bead.

> It is used for water therapy where it's 
importance is felt by direct consumption.

> It protects from all type of diseases.

> Fear is warded off after wearing.

> Pancha face bead is owned by Rudra.

> Very powerful and auspicious bead to be 

> Awareness and memory power are 

> Size: 18 mm - 22 mm


Diseases cured by 5 mukhi rudraksha

> Liver thighs vertebral column, cardiac problems are cured.

> Recommended in cases where the disease of Blood pressure, Breast ailments, Memory enhancer, acidity, fistula, inflammability exist.

> Wearer's important chakra are affected on wearing this.
Who should wear 5 mukhi rudraksha

5 mukhi rudraksha bead helps to bring good meditation.
> For removing fear.
> For BP

Astrological view> Malefic effect of Jupiter is minimized on wearing 5mukhi rudraksha bead.
> What are effect of Jupiter ? Can cause utter poverty, lack of harmony. Also diseases caused by fat, kidney, thigh, ear, diabetes are caused.
watsaap no.- 7089610848

certified 100% original 4 mukhi rudraksha | 4 face rudraksha nepali

certified 100% original 4 mukhi rudraksha | 4 face rudraksha nepali



                             BUY IT NOW 


About 4 Mukhi Rudraksha 
Lord Brahma, the creator of Universe is the deity of the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha). Mercury is the ruling planet of Char Mukhi. According to Indian mythology, Mercury symbolizes for the Lord Brahma and the Goddess Saraswati. Therefore, those who bear and worship 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha) with complete faith and true devotion are blessed with the ability of novel and creative thinking, and the power of wisdom and knowledge. It is highly beneficial for those who are in some way attached to a work which involves mental efforts. Therefore, students, scholars, and professionals in the field of computers, management, communication, and electronics should have 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha) for further enhancing their mental ability. 

It also improves the craft of speech in a person. So, those with a stammering problem benefit a lot after possession of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha). Since Mercury being the ruling planet of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha), all those with weak or malefic Mercury in their horoscopes are recommended to have this Rudraksha. The general impacts of a malefic Mercury in someone’s horoscope results in lack of mental ability, communication disorder, and moreover anxious or phobic mental state. 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha) end all these ill effects. 

One who wants to bear 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha) should strung it either with a red colored or black colored thread and then wear it while chanting the Mantra of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha). One can also go for a pendant in a chain to wear it. Lord Rudra gets highly pleased with those who wears Char Mukhi 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha), and blessed them open heartedly. It is said that if a person boils 4 Mukhi Rudraksha (Char / Four Mukhi Rudraksha) in milk, and then take that milk for 20 days, then that person is conferred with intellectual mind, clarity of thoughts and the ability to do logical thinking. 
watsapp no.-7089610848

Friday, June 23, 2017



PRICE- 2700/-



benefit of 9 mukhi/9 FACE  rudraksha bead CERTIFIED 
 Makes the wearer fearless, stress free, purified conscience, powerful, self confident.

 Protects from untimely death. Removes fear of death. Gives peace of mind.

 Brings in wealth. Very good for all working women/Housewives 

 Brings in courage, endurance, devotion, will power.

 Can be worn on left hand wrist.

 Nine face bead is owned by Mata Durga.

 Log of energy and dynamism is the feeling on wearing.

Fearlessness and success is blessed.


Diseases cured 9 mukhi rudraksha 
Removes diseases of brain, lungs, breasts, sexual organs, eye.

 Abortions, conceiving problem, epilepsy.

 Controls pineal, pituitary of the body.

Who should wear 9 mukhi rudraksha People who want to be fearless, fearless to death. (9,10,11 mukhi together is for protection).
 Women (working / housewife) having tension for family.
 For people feeling unexplained fear, lack of concentration, depression, physical weakness.

Astrological view 9 mukhi rudraksha 
 Removes malefic of Rahu/ketu.
 Effect of ketu/rahu - diseases of lungs, fever, eye pain, bowel pain, skin disease, body pain
watsaap no.- 7089610848



PRICE- 2100/-



benefit of 8 mukhi rudraksha bead

 Improves intelligence and health.

 Gives Analytical mind, great understanding, good writing skills.

 Sins committed while telling lies gets condoned.

 Brings fame, excellence in art, leadership qualities, prosperity.
 Long standing hurdles and depression goes away.

 Obstacles remover.

 Size: 14 mm - 16 mm

Disease cured by 8 mukhi rudraksha

 Removes diseases of nervous system, prostrate, gall bladder, breathing problem

Who should wear 8 mukhi rudraksha

 People who get obstacles in life and get failures constantly.
 Used for Shani problem (should wear along with seven mukhi - for shani dasha)
Astrological view
 8 mukhi rudraksha bead removes malefic of Rahu (Helpful in malefic effects of shani also)
 Effect of shani/Rahu - Sudden fall in status, diseases of lungs, feet and skin, hydrocephalus
watsaap no.- 7089610848

5 mukhi original energized rudraksha | 5 face rudraksha

5 mukhi original energized rudraksha | 5 face rudraksha

PRICE- 150/-

 It is the most widely available rudraksha.
 Sins earned by forbidden acts are removed by wearing this bead.

 Sudden/uncertain death fear can be eliminated with the power of this.

 Meditating people need it for attaining all sadhanas.

 Very widely available rudraksha.

 Peace and fame comes with this bead.

It is used for water therapy where it's importance is felt by direct consumption.

 It protects from all type of diseases.

 Fear is warded off after wearing.

 Pancha face bead is owned by Rudra.

 Very powerful and auspicious bead to be worn.

Awareness and memory power are multifolded.

 Size: 18 mm - 22 mm
Diseases cured by 5 mukhi rudraksha

 Liver thighs vertebral column, cardiac problems are cured.

 Recommended in cases where the disease of Blood pressure, Breast ailments, Memory enhancer, acidity, fistula, inflammability exist.

 Wearer's important chakra are affected on wearing this.
Who should wear 5 mukhi rudraksha

 5 mukhi rudraksha bead helps to bring good meditation.
 For removing fear.

watsaap no.- 7089610848