
Showing posts with label SEEDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEEDS. Show all posts

Monday, July 31, 2017

safed gunja beej,white gunja seed



  1-Material: Others, Color: White
2-Package Contents: 1 Gunja Chirmi Beads
3-Item Size: 5 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm
4-Natural shwet gunja
5-Goddess Lakshmi Chirmi beads

 order now-  7089610848

online order ke liye click kare→       

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Premium Black Sesame Seed ( Kali Till )

1-Excellent source of minerals, especially manganese and copper
2-Sesame seeds' Phytosterols lower cholesterol significantly
3-Sesame seeds feature delicate nutty flavor. Their flavor indeed becomes more pronounced once
4-they gently toasted under low flame heat for a few minutes.
5- Simply Good Food!

The anti-aging powers of the black sesame

Black sesame for healthier skin and bones

black sesame seeds can keep your bones strong and help you ward off osteoporosis. The seeds also provide the body with vitamin E, which is needed for healthy skin. These health benefits of the black sesame can keep you strong, and beautiful, even as you age.
The sesame key to good heart health

Sesame seeds are rich in substances known as sesamin and sesamolin, which can help lower your cholesterol levels. The seeds also contain magnesium, which help to reduce blood pressure. Healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels means healthier arteries and better heart health.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Holi Basil - Green Basil Seeds - Ram Tulsi - तुलसी के बीज

Basil seeds for weight loss: Sabja seeds can be used for weight management purposes. It is full of fiber that makes your stomach full and don’t feel hunger to a certain period of time. After soaking into water, it has the ability to expand 30 times of its original sides thus reduces longing for eating more.
  1. Basil seeds for healthy skin: The mix of Sabja seeds and coconut oil is effective to ward off many skin related diseases. Method: Take 100 ml of coconut oil and 1tsp of crush basil seeds. Now heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Strain and apply it over your skin to cure skin related problems like psoriasis, eczema, etc.
  1. Basil seeds for acidity: Acidity problems are very common these days due to faulty lifestyle and wrong dietary pattern. Sabja seeds are having cooling and soothing effects on the stomach. Method: Take milk (1 cup) and basil seeds (1tsp), stir it well and drink the same to reduce burning sensation in your stomach.
  2. Sabja seeds for diabetes treatment: The seeds are good in curing of diabetes type 2 by lowering down the sugar in blood. Method: Take soaked basil seeds (1tsp), toned milk (1 glass) and vanilla for flavor. It helps to give you energy sans sugar.
  3. Relieves constipation: The soaked Sabja seeds when eaten helps to cleanse the inner stomach. It ensures easy bowel movement and helps to flush out toxin from the stomach. It is also taken with milk before going to bed to ease constipation.
  4. Acts as coolant: These seeds are used to lower body heat that’s why as one of the important ingredients in summer for a number of cool drinks such as falooda, rooh afza, nimbu pani and sherbet.
  5. Nutritional values of basil seeds: The seeds contain many phyto-chemicals and polyphenolic flavonoids like Orientin, vicenin and other antioxidants. The leaves are rich in essential oils like eugenol, citronellol, limonene, citral and terpineol. It contains beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A and vitamin K. It also contains important minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, folates, and magnesium.
  6. Medicinal values: Medicinally, it can be used to treat digestion problems, cure constipation, removes skin infection, respiratory disorder, sore throats and stress relief.
price- 200/-
pack- 250 gram 

CALL- 7089610848 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

PAPAYA seed, organik Dwarf Variety, Kitchen Garden Fruit Seeds

The Benefits of Papaya
1. Digestion - The enzyme papain present in papaya is known to aid digestion by breaking down proteins.Therefore, a glass of papaya juice is often recommended as a home remedy for digestion-related problems or constipation.

2. Anti-inflammatory - Apart from papain, papaya also contains other effective enzymes that help against inflammation and promote healing of burns.
3. Heart Disease and Cancer - Papaya is rich in anti oxidants and phytonutrients that work against free radicals and therefore is said to protect the body from possible heart diseases and cancer.
4. Diabetes - Many researchers have found that the consumption of raw papaya could help maintain blood sugar level and cholesterol because of the high fiber content, thereby keeping a check on diabetes. 

5. Cleansing - Beauty experts too, often suggest using slices of papaya as a natural skin cleanser as the active enzymes work wonders to remove impurities.
9. Weight Loss - papaya is low in calories and therefore proves to be the perfect option for breakfast. A serving of 140 grams of the fruit contains only 60 calories, with total fat 0.4 gram, no cholesterol, 15.7 gram carbohydrates and 2.5 gram dietary fiber.

BLACK DATURA SEEDS ,Moonflowers, Thorn Apple

Varied species of Datura have been used in traditional medicine worldwide, primary among them Datura innoxia,Datura metel, and Datura stramonium. Datura are potent members of the Solanaceae family, relatives of other well known narcotic plants such as henbane and mandrake. The primary use of datura is as a hallucinogenic and intoxicant, though it does have medicinal uses.Seeds or powered datura leaves are part of the traditional medcine of Indochina and Africa. Datura is often mixed with cannabis and this mixture is smoked to relieve asthma and rheumatism. In Mexico it was taken by women to relieve the pain of childbirth. The seeds are added to wine and beer to increase intoxication....

price- 150/- + SHIPPING 

pack- 51 seed 

ORDER NOW- 7089610848

Monday, June 26, 2017

CHUI MUI plant seed | Lajwanti seed | छुईमुई के बीज


chui mui plant seed

 “touch me not plants” or “sensitive plant.” It is so called because the plant responds when exposed to touch with, its leaves go falter with sink and after some time it re-opens. It reacts when the force is applied in a plant knowing or unknowingly, it is sensitive to animals, to light at the time of day, daily dew, insect contact, etc 

price- 100/- 

pack of 51 seeds 

order now - 7089610848

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Blue aparajita plant seed | नीली अपराजिता के बीज

Useful in medicinal uses in ayurveda 

It is a perennial climber. Leaves- pinnate 5-9 foliolate. 

Flowers- showy, blue or white, petals unequal, style bearded below the stigma. 

Fruits- pods, linear, compressed. 


pack -51 seeds

ORDER NOW- 7089610848

Kuchla Seeds, Nux Vomica Seed, Strychnos Nuxvomica

1-Natural seeds
2-Best Quality Kuchala Seed
3-Organic Seed for Plantation
   4-Kuchla Seeds Nux Vomica Seed Strychnos Nuxvomica
   5-Germination Seed
   6-Seeds are the best material for propagation of kuchila plant.


Sunflower seeds are the gift of the beautiful sunflower, a plant with rays of petals emanating from its bright yellow, seed-studded center. The sunflower's Latin scientific name, Helianthus annuus, reflects its solar appearance since helios is the Greek word for sun, and anthos is the Greek word for flower.

The sunflower produces grayish-green or black seeds encased in tear-dropped shaped gray or black shells that oftentimes feature black and white stripes. Since these seeds have a very high oil content, they are one of the main sources used to produce polyunsaturated oil. Shelled sunflower seeds have a mild nutty taste and firm, but tender texture. Their taste is oftentimes compared with the Jerusalem artichoke (not to be confused with the bulb artichoke), another member of the Helianthus fam
How to Enjoy

A Few Quick Serving Ideas
Add sunflower seeds to your favorite tuna, chicken or 
turkey salad recipe.

  • Garnish mixed green salads with sunflower seeds.
  • Adding sunflower seeds to scrambled eggs will give them a unique taste and texture.
  • Use fine ground sunflower seeds to dust your meats with in place of flour.
  • Sprinkle sunflower seeds onto hot and cold cereal
  • PRICE-150/-
  • PACK-51 SEEDS 
  • watsaap no.- 7089610848

Friday, June 23, 2017

SWEET CORN Vegetable Seed -Makai -Makka -Bhutta

Maize corn seeds benefit..... 

 its delicious sweet taste, corn is high in fiber, low in fat and a great source of essential nutrients offering an array of health benefits given below. 

1. Good For Digestion: 
Corn is high in dietary fiber which comprises of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps in blocking cholesterol absorption by turning into a gel-like consistency whereas insoluble fiber prevents constipation and intestinal problems by promoting soft and bulky stool that can move easily through the intestines, reducing the chances of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and diarrhea. Thus, it helps prevent digestive problems like constipation and hemorrhoids as well as colon cancer. Though corn contains both types of fiber, it has a higher content of insoluble fiber. 

2. Prevents Anemia: 
Anemia is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Corn contains a significant amount of these as well as iron, which is one of the essential minerals required to form new red blood cells. The deficiency of iron can also cause anemia. 

3. Increased Energy: 
Corn is considered a starchy vegetable as it contains a high amount of carbohydrates that provide you with short term and long term energy. They also ensure proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system. One cup of corn provides around 29 grams of carbs. This is particularly beneficial for athletes as they require more carbs to optimize exercise performance. Moreover, corn is a complex carb so it gets digested at a slow pace, thus providing you with balanced energy levels that are free of peaks and valleys. It is advisable to eat corn a couple of hours before exercising for lasting energy. 

4. Lowers LDL Cholesterol: 
Cholesterol is produced by the liver and there are generally two types of cholesterol, HDL or good cholesterol and LDL or bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol increases due to the intake of fatty food, thus weakening your heart and causing cardiovascular diseases. Sweet corn is rich in vitamin C, carotenoids and bioflavonoids that keep your heart healthy by controlling the cholesterol levels and increasing the flow of blood. Corn oil has an antiatherogenic effect on the cholesterol levels as it lowers the cholesterol levels by reducing the cholesterol absorption by the body, thus preventing atherosclerosis and scavenging the free radicals throughout the body. 

5. Facilitates Weight Gain: 
Corn is a great option for underweight people, referred to as ‘hard gainers’. They need to increase their caloric intake so as to put on some pounds on their frames. Corn is calorie dense and rich in carbs which helps to bulk up your body. Thus, it can be a healthy addition to your meals if you are underweight. One cup of corn kernels provides as much as 130 calories. 

1-Superior Quality 
2-Easy To Grow - Can Be Grown In Indian Climate/Weather Conditions.Do Not Use For Food, Feed, Or Oil Purposes,Seeds Are Only For Agriculture And Plantation Purpose
3-Gardening,Terrace Poly House Gardening & Roof Top Balcony Gardening

Monday, December 19, 2016

Flax Seeds/Alsi Seeds , अलसी बीज

अलसी के महत्वपूर्ण फायदे |||
( benefit of alsi seeds)
1 बॉडी बिल्डिंग में – तीसी में ओमेगा 3 फैटी एसिड होता है। यह मछलियों में खूब पाया जाता है मगर शाकाहारी बॉडी बिल्डर मछली खाते नहीं इसलिए उनकी जरूरत काफी हद तक तीसी पूरी कर सकती है।
2 वजन कम करने में – खाना खाने से पहले फलैक्स सीड खाने से भूख कम लगती है। इससे उन लोगों को फायदा होगा, जिन्हें भूख ज्यादा लगती है या जो लोग डाइटिंग पर हैं।
3 सामान्य स्वास्थ्य के लिए – सौ ग्राम flax seed में 27 ग्राम फाइबर होता है। यह हमारी रोज की जरूरत का तकरीबन 108 फीसदी है। हालांकि सौ ग्राम अलसी नहीं खानी चाहिए। दो से तीन चम्मच दिन में काफी है। फाइबर के चलते पेट का मूवमेंट ठीक रहता है। जिन लोगों को कब्ज रहता है उन्हें तीसी खाने से फायदा पहुंचता है। इसके छिलके अपने साथ फैट को लपेट लेते हैं इससे बॉडी का फैट कम करने में मदद मिलती है।
4 यह कॉलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करती है, यह ब्लड शुगर को कम करती है, यह खून के गाढ़ेपन को कम करती है। यह आर्टरीज यानी धमनियों को सख्त होने से बचाती है।

ü  Rich in Omega-3: Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids
ü  High Fibre Content: Dietary fibre helps maintain good bowel health.
ü  High protein content: Flax seeds are rich source of protein

आप नीचे  क्लिक करके भी ऑनलाइन आर्डर कर सकते है |