
Showing posts with label HERBS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HERBS. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Jatamansi, जटामांसी, भूतकेशी

jatamansi ---

1-evil eye protection.
2- for ghost removal.
3- for negetive energy protection.
4- just little amount burn and use.
5-jatamansi is an herb known for its potential ability to reduce stress and improve cognitive function and sleep.
6-While clinical trials are lacking, the herb improved memory, reduced inflammation, and treated insomnia in pre-clinical studies.
Other name- bhutkeshi

390 rs for 250 gram
(for bulk order whatsapp me

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Kale dature ka panchang dry ,काले धतूरे का पंचांग ,

                         काले धतूरे का पंचांग
                      (पत्ती, तना, फूल,फल,जड़)
1-Kale dhature ka panchang tantra mantra sadhna prayog me upyog kiya jata hai .
2-aayurvedik aushdhi nirman me bhi iska upyog hota hai .
3-tantra me vashikaran ,mohan ,abhicharik karmo me iska upyog sadhak log karte hai.
Price - 300/-
Shipping extra 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Nature Vit Dry Singhara - (Chestnut)


1-100% Pure and Natural Chestnut For Food
2-These Chestnut are Highly Nutritious
3-It is also Known as Singhara , Trapa bispinosa , Singhada , Chestnut.
4-Come's in Stand-Up Zipper Pouches.
5-NatureVit - BringingWorldCloseToNature

                            GOOD FOR HEALTH 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Premium Black Sesame Seed ( Kali Till )

1-Excellent source of minerals, especially manganese and copper
2-Sesame seeds' Phytosterols lower cholesterol significantly
3-Sesame seeds feature delicate nutty flavor. Their flavor indeed becomes more pronounced once
4-they gently toasted under low flame heat for a few minutes.
5- Simply Good Food!

The anti-aging powers of the black sesame

Black sesame for healthier skin and bones

black sesame seeds can keep your bones strong and help you ward off osteoporosis. The seeds also provide the body with vitamin E, which is needed for healthy skin. These health benefits of the black sesame can keep you strong, and beautiful, even as you age.
The sesame key to good heart health

Sesame seeds are rich in substances known as sesamin and sesamolin, which can help lower your cholesterol levels. The seeds also contain magnesium, which help to reduce blood pressure. Healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels means healthier arteries and better heart health.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Holi Basil - Green Basil Seeds - Ram Tulsi - तुलसी के बीज

Basil seeds for weight loss: Sabja seeds can be used for weight management purposes. It is full of fiber that makes your stomach full and don’t feel hunger to a certain period of time. After soaking into water, it has the ability to expand 30 times of its original sides thus reduces longing for eating more.
  1. Basil seeds for healthy skin: The mix of Sabja seeds and coconut oil is effective to ward off many skin related diseases. Method: Take 100 ml of coconut oil and 1tsp of crush basil seeds. Now heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Strain and apply it over your skin to cure skin related problems like psoriasis, eczema, etc.
  1. Basil seeds for acidity: Acidity problems are very common these days due to faulty lifestyle and wrong dietary pattern. Sabja seeds are having cooling and soothing effects on the stomach. Method: Take milk (1 cup) and basil seeds (1tsp), stir it well and drink the same to reduce burning sensation in your stomach.
  2. Sabja seeds for diabetes treatment: The seeds are good in curing of diabetes type 2 by lowering down the sugar in blood. Method: Take soaked basil seeds (1tsp), toned milk (1 glass) and vanilla for flavor. It helps to give you energy sans sugar.
  3. Relieves constipation: The soaked Sabja seeds when eaten helps to cleanse the inner stomach. It ensures easy bowel movement and helps to flush out toxin from the stomach. It is also taken with milk before going to bed to ease constipation.
  4. Acts as coolant: These seeds are used to lower body heat that’s why as one of the important ingredients in summer for a number of cool drinks such as falooda, rooh afza, nimbu pani and sherbet.
  5. Nutritional values of basil seeds: The seeds contain many phyto-chemicals and polyphenolic flavonoids like Orientin, vicenin and other antioxidants. The leaves are rich in essential oils like eugenol, citronellol, limonene, citral and terpineol. It contains beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin A and vitamin K. It also contains important minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, folates, and magnesium.
  6. Medicinal values: Medicinally, it can be used to treat digestion problems, cure constipation, removes skin infection, respiratory disorder, sore throats and stress relief.
price- 200/-
pack- 250 gram 

CALL- 7089610848 

yellow Shatavari / Asparagus Racemosus - Aspragus - Satawar - Shatamuli - Satawari - शतावरी

BENEFIT OF SATAWAR ROOTS , सतावर के फायदे 

Shatavari, or Asparagus racemosus, has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the reproductive system, particularly for females, and as a support for the digestive system, especially in cases of excess pitta. 
Translated as “having one hundred roots” and also referred to as meaning “having one hundred husbands.
Shatavari’s name gives reference to its traditional use as a rejuvenative tonic for the female reproductive system. This support is not only for the young woman, but also for women in their middle and elder years, to help them gracefully transition through the natural phases of life, including menopause.
  • A healthy female reproductive system
  • Healthy levels of breast milk production
  • Supports already balanced female hormones
  • Soothing effect on the digestive tract
  • Healthy peristalsis of bowels
  • Moisturizing support of the respiratory tract
  • Promotes healthy energy levels and strength
  • Supports the immune system
  • Natural antioxidant properties

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Laal Chirmi Red Gunja Seeds लाल गुंजा

Chirmi Beads are found in the forests of Aravali Hills,India. They symbolise Goddess Lakshmi and it is said that the wearer is blessed with wealth and prosperity.These seeds are used to ward off evil and removal of black magic effects .They are available in Black,White,red and Yellow in colours. 
Chirmi beads are considered very lucky from ancient times. These Naturaly grown Beads are found in forest of Aravali Mountains, India and are believed to be many hundred years old. 
It is said the bead itself will choose its owner and will not stay with an unlucky person. 
They bring luck and ward off evil and Black Magic, & protect the wearer from physical harm by taking the abuse upon themselves.These are considered very powerful in hinduism. 

contact now for order - 7089610848

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ashwagandha Root | Indian Ginseng I Withania Somnifera / Ashgandh


Increase your hight , vitality , stamina , power, 

Benefit of ashwagandha root 

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Ginseng, has a wide range of health benefits, including its ability to fight against cancer and diabetes, as well as reduce inflammation, arthritis, asthma, hypertension, stress, and rheumatism. Furthermore, it boosts your supply of antioxidants and regulates the immune system. 

We provide best quality ayurveda herbs, roots,and powder . 

ü  hand sorted ashwagandha roots

ü  Best ayurvedic supplements for healthy bones, great immunity and nervous system. Best supplement for sex health
ü  Carefully picked, double cleaned and hygienically packed from farms of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh
      contact for buying- 7089610848

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Natural WHITE MUSLI ROOT / सफेद मूसली,Chlorophytum Borivilianum Root

Uses & Benefits of Safed Musli , सफ़ेद मूसली 
Safed musli is a very popular aphrodisiac agent, with no side effects. It is often prescribed for enhancing male potency and overcoming signs of fatigue. It is particularly used for individuals with low sperm count and low libido.It is also regarded as an energy booster in asthmatic conditions. The roots of the herb are also used to strengthen the general immune system of the body.The tuber roots of the plant have been used since ancient times, to prepare nutritive tonic for sexual weakness and is used in Ayurvedic medicines even today.
Safed musli proves useful as a nutritive tonic for both the mother and the fetus, during pregnancy and is also used to replenish the body fluids during the post-partum stage.The herb improves the quantity and flow of breast milk, in feeding mothers.
It has many health promotional benefits. It is used to control and prevent obesity and its side effects.
The activities of vitamin C and antioxidant enzymes are also enhanced by the use of this plant species.
Research has indicated that the plant species is used for curing diabetes and arthritic conditions.
Safed musli is also beneficial in the treatment of natal and postnatal problems.
Its regular use causes increase in the level of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) and decrease in the plasma and hepatic lipid profiles.Apart from rejuvenating the reproductive system, the herb prevents premature ejaculation and is also used in chronically leucorrhoea. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Nagarmotha - Mustak - Cyperus Rotundus - Tunga Gaddalu - Raw Maetrial नागरमोथा


1-नागरमोथा को संस्कृत में नागरमुस्तक या भद्र मुस्तक कहते हैं। यह नमी वाले तथा जलीय क्षेत्रों में अधिक पाया जाता है।नागरमोथा का उपयोग पूजा पाठ हवन और औषधीय प्रयोगों में किया जाता है
इसके कंद को कुचलकर सूजन वाले हिस्सों पर लगाने पर आराम मिलता है। आदिवासी इसके पूरे पौधे को कुचलकर पेस्ट तैयार करते हैं और स्केबीस और त्वचा रोगों से ग्रस्त रोगियों की त्वचा पर इस पेस्ट को लगाकर आराम दिलाया जाता है।

2-आदिवासी क्षेत्रों में इसकी जड़ों का रस तैयार किया जाता है और रस की २ चम्मच मात्रा प्रतिदिन बच्चों को देने से उनकी याददाश्त बेहतर होने में मदद मिलती है।

3-इसकी जड़ों के रस की 2- 2 बूंद की मात्रा आंखों में डालने से कंजक्टीवायटिस की समस्या में आराम मिलता है। आखों से पानी गिरने की समस्या हो या आंखों में लालपन, इन सभी समस्याओं में नागरमोथा की जड़ों के रस का इस्तमाल किया जाता है।

4-चुटकी भर नागरमोथा का चूर्ण शहद के साथ चाटने से हिचकियों के लगातार आने का क्रम रूक जाता है। छोटे बच्चों को अक्सर तेजी से हिचकियाँ आने पर आदिवासी महिलाएं नागरमोथा को कुचलकर कुछ बूँदें बच्चों को चटा देती हैं।

5-किसी वजह से जीभ सुन्न हो जाए तो नागरमोथा का लगभग ५ ग्राम चूर्ण दूध के साथ दिन में दो बार लेने से आराम मिलता है। बच्चों में स्मरण शक्ति बढाने के लिए देहातों में लोग इस पौधे के रस की २ चम्मच मात्रा प्रतिदिन बच्चों के देते हैं।

PACK - 250 GRAM 

PRICE - 150/-
order now- 7089610848

Sunday, December 13, 2015

black turmeric,काली हल्दी


  • Kali haldi brings positive energies and absorb negative energies so it is widely used in various rituals
  • Use for Pooja and Health remedy.
  useful in vashikaran, tantrik kriya, money problem,
karja mukti, enemy protection, nazar badha etc 
order now- 